Friday, March 27, 2009

Top 10 Signs You Need a Weekend

10.) By 4:00 on Monday, you're already apologizing for things, saying "It's been a long week."
9.) You catch yourself falling asleep throughout the day--even during your lunch break.
8.) You can't remember the last time "8 hours" and "sleep" were used in the same sentence.
7.) You prayed that the tornado last night would destroy your place of business, just so you could sleep in.
6.) You'd rather record The Office and go to bed early than to watch it when it premiers like everybody else
5.) You've seriously considered quitting life to join the circus or to be a hobo.
4.) Even though you've turned all your work in one week late, you still consider that to be "on time."
3.) You can't remember your girlfriend/boyfriend's name.
2.) You can't remember your own name.
1.) You don't have time to finish reading this post.